Optimal variant of arrangement of PGCS (placer gold-concentrating site) of enhanced recovery


Pavlik, OJSC (Павлик, ОАО)




Tenkinsky District of Magadan Oblast
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At this deposit field, gold concentrate is transported once a day from processing complex to placer gold-concentrating site for gold recovery. For this purpose, variant of optimal construction of PGCS with the help of containers is used.

A container is equipped with two jigging machines MOD-02 (МОД-02) with heavy bed, two smelt furnaces P3-3 (ПЗ-3) (Irgiredmet, OJSC (Иргиредмет, ОАО)), and induction furnace.

Ore-thermal furnace P3-3 (П3-3) is designed specially for melting of low-grade gold concentrates. Induction furnace – for melting of placer gold – “goldilocks” from shaking table SKO-1 (СКО-1).

There is a hutch outside, which connected with vibrating screen GIL-051 (ГИЛ-051). The screen is designed for underflow concentrate processing from polygon jigging machines.

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